Your family. It’s as simple as that.
The reason you need life insurance is to help make sure your family is protected, even if the worst happens to you. It’s not something we like to think about. And certainly not something we like to talk about or plan for. But in reality, what would happen to your family if an accident or illness meant that you weren’t around in the morning?
In the simplest terms, life insurance is a type of financial protection taken out for a particular period of time. If you die during that time, your beneficiaries will receive a tax-free sum. You can’t be replaced. No amount of money will relieve the upset of an unexpected death. But with proper planning you can alleviate the financial concerns a tragic event like this may bring.
This little video gives a simple explanation as to why you need life insurance.
It makes sense to have a plan in place to help with the financial impact of your death. Your need for life insurance cover will depend on your age, family circumstances and lifestyle. You may already have mortgage protection to cover the outstanding mortgage on your home. But have a think about the day-to-day bills and outgoings, funeral expenses, education costs and any debts you may have left behind you.
What could happen?
Without proper life insurance, your family could be left with unexpected debts and costs and an uncertain financial future.
There are a range of different life protection plans depending on your own individual position and that of your family. Each of these comes with different options and benefits so it can be tailored to provide the best value and the best plan for your needs.
Just get in touch to discuss your financial planning and we’ll help you put a plan in place.